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Unleashing the Potential of the Belgian ATMP Sector

Curious to learn more about our rich and dynamic advanced therapies ecosystem? Then be sure to attend our first ‘Advanced Therapies Summit - Unleashing the Potential of the Belgian ATMP Sector’ organized by Smart Hub Flemish Brabant, RegMed XB Flanders,, GATE and at.las.

The summit will highlight our country’s unique resources and capabilities, and showcase some of the current developments in the cell, gene and tissue-engineered therapy domains, as well as with key enabling technologies and manufacturing infrastructure. The major challenges faced by developers of advanced therapies will also be highlighted, drawing on experience of other ATMP hubs in Europe, as to how gaps may be addressed in the Belgian ecosystem, sometimes cited as being too fragmented to fully realize the country’s potential.

With speakers from within Belgium and across Europe, the summit will bring together an audience of over 250 public and private stakeholders - medicine and academia, industry, government and regulators, as well as patient representatives - in what is expected to be a major event in the 2023 calendar.

Visit Advanced Therapies Summit 2023 | Hybrid edition - Home ( for more information!